Building the habits you need for a realistic weight loss, just got a whole lot easier!

Join our Vitality priority list so you can finally build the habits you really need to push towards your weight loss goals, in just 8 weeks

All without restricting food, missing out on social occasions or doing lots of pointless exercise

We’d love to show you how!

Here we go again!
Our 8-week group coaching programme, bringing you the best group coaching experience, EVER!
Spaces for our next intake go live Friday 31st January and we will kick off on Monday 10th February!

We want to help you see that it should never be impossible to achieve your weight loss goals, but for most, a 1-1 coaching experience is not financially possible right now, or, you just don’t know what proper support looks like!

Fed up of paying Karen £5 for your once-weekly visit, with no real education learnt?

Fed up of being told to just ‘eat more pasta’ when you’re expressing that you’re hungry?

You want to introduce some exercise into your lifestyle, but no real understanding of where to start?

Or quite simply, you’re fed up of putting yourself on the backburner time & time again?

So here we are, wanting you to join us on our next 8-week Vitality group coaching programme

So you can see for yourself that building habits is the longevity to real weight loss

We want to help you build the habits you need, for you & your lifestyle!

We start on 10th February

So to be the first to get access to Early Bird spaces, a discount AND all the extra information you’ll need…

Enter your details below to hear more about how you can finally build the habits you need towards weight loss, in just 8 weeks

Don’t believe that it’s possible to achieve great things in as little of 8-weeks?
Take a look at these…
Sarah has dropped 6kg, has built some AMAZING habits using our app for accountability and thoroughly enjoyed her meals
Becca has dropped 3.5kg, has learnt SO much more education about what the scales are telling her and has enjoyed being & about in the fresh air
Dee has maintained her weight but CRIKEY have her habits changed; be gone to the all or nothing mindset!
Caroline has lost 5.6kg and the whole process has really opened her eyes to the way ‘dieting’ should be (fun fact: it’s not deprivation…) AND, promises to never re-visit a slimming group eve again - mission complete!

Now it really is time for you to see for yourself!